우리의 주요 명소인 Illuvia에 오신 것을 환영합니다.
EpicCentral’s spectacular Vegas-style water & light show is a sight – and sound – to behold. Come feel the cool mist touch your face as phantasmagorical fountains leap 60 feet in the air. Witness shimmering images appearing like magic across sheets of illuminated rain. Bop your head to the synchronized beat, underscoring the whole playful, fluid affair. Illuvia is so mesmerizing you’ll want to pinch yourself. No, you’re not dreaming. You’re just having the time of your life here in Grand Prairie.
Illuvia is more immersive and interactive than ever, thanks to a new artificial intelligence system that lets you control the water, lights, and effects based on motion alone. You can activate the AI technology by walking by or near the fountain, which will respond to their movements by shooting water jets into the air, changing light colors, or both.
***ALERT: Illuvia is undergoing maintenance starting January 27 until further notice. Thanks for your patience, and in the meantime, please enjoy our other amenities, including 모험 공원, 해안가 식사, special events, 라이브 음악, inviting 놀이터, scenic paths, green spaces, 호텔, and our expansive events & convention center!***
Regular viewing times are 매일 저녁, with each performance approximately 15 minutes long. Daytime fountains run between 오전 11시 30분, 오후 1시 30분 그리고 에 돌아오다 오후 5시. The full Illuvia experience, with water, lights, music, and video projection, runs at 6:30 PM, 7:30 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:30 PM, 10:30 PM, and 11:30 PM.
EpicCentral 전역의 여러 지점에 무료 주차장이 있습니다.
Illuvia 및 해안가 레스토랑의 고가 주차장과 주요 부지는 2961 S. Hwy 161에 있습니다.
추가/초과 주차는 2960 Epic Place에 있는 The Epic 및 Epic Waters 주 주차장에서 가능합니다.
다음 사항도 제안해 보겠습니다.
알고 있다는 것은 대단한 일입니다.
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